Turn Your Back on Hate

Turn Your Back on Hate (TYBoH) started as a grassroots effort by a handful of individuals who decided to take action when a national group of Neo-Nazis chose Rome, Georgia as the site of their “annual rally.” Our mission was not to add to an already tense and ugly event–our mission was to face their hatred with silence and walk away showing them the backs of our shirts which depicted “Rome” being lifted up in a heart. OUR Rome. Not theirs.

After the protest, we realized that our jobs weren’t done and that our work needed to continue. A movement was formed. TYBoH came together again to host a candlelight vigil when the Orlando shooting occurred and also joined with other Romans for a drum circle on Broad Street in support of those protesting the North Dakota pipeline. TYBoH continues to move forward, partnering with other local organizations and maximizing resources to more effectively help in our city.